

Rules for Examinations:

Attendance is compulsory for all tests and examinations held during the year,failing which the student will be awarded zero. No consideration will be given to the absentees except onmedical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Head of the school. It is the responsibility of both students and their parents to ensure that they do not miss any Written Testsor Examinations.

Subjects like Computer Science,Third language, PE, Art, Music and Sports will also be graded.

Students reporting late for examinations will not begiven any extra time for answering the question papers.

Unfair Means: Students foundusing any unfair means during any of the examinations, willbe awarded zeroin that subject. Parent and the concerned student will be summoned and asked to provide an explanation. A repeat of such cheating in future will result in prompt issue of a Transfer Certificate without notice.

Requests for the issue of Progress Cards before the declaration of results will not be entertained.

Exam dates are decided in advance. Exam/Assessment cannot be conducted on any other date / day for parents personal convenience /requirement.

Promotion Criteria :

Class IIIto V minimumin the core subjects(English / Hindi/ Maths/EVS)
Class VIto VIII minimum in the core subjects(English/Hindi/Maths/Science/Social Science and third language)
Class IX&XI minimum in all main subjects-Theory and Practicals individually.Atleast 75% attendance (In case of medicalreasonsrelaxed by 5%)



* The age of the applicantas on 1st April 2021, as recorded in the municipal birthcertificate, will determine the eligibility for admission to a particular class.

* Recommended Grades for children born between the following dates:

* The Registration Form, duly filled in all respects, should be submitted to the City Administrative Office on or before the last date. No formal observations/interaction of the child or parents will be required at this stage.

* After the scrutiny of the registration form, if the child is selected, the parents will be informed through the City Administrative Office and will be asked to complete the steps of admission formalities by depositing the required fee and all the other charges along with the necessary documents. The school reserves its exclusive right to select/reject an application.

* It is expected of the parents that they will put in the correct date of birth and all the other information about the child. As the school is not interacting / meeting the child before admission it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the child is mentally or physically fit to attend the school regularly.

* In case the child is found to be mentally or physically unfit to attend the school, the management reserves the right to cancel the admission and no refund may be made towards any payments to the School.

* Admission will be subject to availability of seats.Admission to Grades I to III will be basedonan in formal interaction with the child.A written test and interaction will take place for students appearing for admissions in Grades IV to IX and XI. For admission to Grades IV and V,the candidates will be required to appear for two writtenpapers.

* The first paper will be a no bjective type (multiplechoices) papercovering English, Hindi, EVSand Mathematics, theanswersof which would be marke donan OMR sheet. These condpaper would be subjective in nature and cover English, Mathematics and EVS. For GradesVIto IX, the objective type paper will be based onEnglish,Mathematics, Science and SocialScience. The subjective type paper will be based on English, Mathematics and Science.

* The written test for Grade XI will be based on the subjects for streamopted. Direct admissionsto Grades X and XII will not be granted.The Registration Form, duly completed, should be submitted to theCity Administrative Office on or before the last date of submission of Registration Forms.

* After scrutinizing the Registration Form, the parents will be in formed about a date for in formal interaction/ written test for their wards as per the Grade in which admission will be sought. The written test will be followed by an interaction session preferably on the sameday or oneday later. Parentsmustbe present in the school campus on the day of the test and/or interaction. If written test and interactionis.

* held on the same day then there may be a gap of an hour or sobetweenthetwo.The entire procedure may last for about three hours,and therefore, parents are advised to plan their schedule accordingly.

* Parentsmust bring both the copies of the AdmitCard (attached in this Brochure)to the school on the dayswhen thewritten test and /or interaction will be held. £ List of successful candidates will be displayed in our City Administrative Office within two working days after the written test and/or interaction processis over.Parents will also be informed through SMS.

* The parents of the successful candidates will be required to complete the admission formalities by depositing the required fees and other charges along with the submission of necessary documents within the date prescribed.


* Nodocumentsarerequiredatthetimeofregistration.
* The RegistrationFormis not transferable.
* The originalRegistrationFormissued by the schoolshould be exclusively used forthe purpose of registration of your child.
* No photocopies of the Registration Form will be allowed.
* Parents are requested to go through this Prospectus-cum-Admission Information Booklet carefully before filling the Registration Form.
* Incomplete or illegible Registration Form will not be accepted.
* The applications will be scrutinizedand only those found complete in all respects will be selected for Observations / Interaction /Written Test. Intimation of the exactdate andtimeof the Interaction/ Test, alongwith the Admit Card will be provided atthetime of submitting the Registration Form.
* Applying for registration / admission does not imply direct admission.
* Original School Leaving / Transfer Certificate and Last Report Card. (Without this no student from Grade II onwards will be admitted). School Leaving Certificate for students coming from outside Agra district or Board other than CBSE should be counter signed by respective Education Officer / Authority.
* Self attested coloured photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation for Nursery, Prep, & Grade I.
* Medical Certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner (as per Health Card attached in the Enrolment Form).
* Recent passport size colour photographs of the candidate and both parents or as applicable. (2 each) Note: Admission will be cancelled if any variance or mis representation is found between the particulars filled in the Registration Formand the supporting documents at any stage.

COVID 19 Admissions Open